Tuesday, December 23, 2008

We have been robbed....

Initial police reports did not name any suspects, but after review of the security footage authorities have narrowed their search.  Luckily all missing property can be easily replaced.

David was eating his snack when he came running down the hallway yelling "ba-nan-a-na" as he met me in the bedroom.  When I asked if he had finished his banana he gave me a confused look, so I told him to go finish eating his snack.  I think David translated this to "go get another banana."  When I came back down the hall a second later he was helping himself!!!  It was one of those moments when you do not know what to say (No, how smart/cute).  I guess Emily and I just have to be more on guard with our little banana thief running around the house.


1 comment:

JG said...

Hey guys. I don't have your email address, so if you want to email me (mynewaddressis@hotmail.com) then I can send you the pictures I took at Ron and Annette's. They turned out pretty well.
