Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tickle Monster...

For the last few weeks David has been obsessed with one pirate episode of the Backyardigans.  He has seen this episode a lot thanks to the modern wonders of the DVR.  Basically the show is about a pirate camp and learning to do pirate things like heave-ho, scalawag, and have "pirattitude" (pirate attitude).  In the episode everyone is afraid of Captain Red Boots because she has lost a boot and she will tickle you if she finds you with her boot.

Needless to say, rare is it when a night goes by that we don't hear him yell "aahhhh tickle!" before running to his "pirate ship."  Unfortunately, everyone has become the tickle monster.  (Granna and Poppy at the zoo, the dogs walking down the hall, cars as we wait to cross a parking lot, even Mama and Daddy take a turn)  Overall, it has been nice to see that he has an imagination. 


Sunday, April 19, 2009

David's New Tricks

This week has been full of new discoveries, words, and tasks. To begin, this was his first week as a "Bid Boy" at Cathy's. He got to wear underwear because he went a week without accidents in his pull-ups; he did have one accident this Thursday, though, but we're still a "Bid Boy." Funny thing is that Kyle and I both never imagined being so excited about body functions, but we beam with pride when our little one "pee pee duh poddy!" And the M&M reward system encourages our efforts. In fact, when Kyle and I go to the bathroom, David exclaims, "Two M&M's!" and, of course, we accept because we don't want to hurt his feelings!!! :)

One morning this week, David wanted to put on his own sock, so I let him, and the little fella did it!! We both hugged each other and sang his praises forever, and then we called Daddy to inform him of David's newest accomplishment. At this rate, he'll soon be driving!

Finally, during bathtime, I was washing his face, but I had to say, "David, close your eyes." The picture below is the face he makes when you ask him to close his eyes. Pretty cute!
Until next time,

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Man Time & the Zoo

Poppy (aka: Ken, Kyle's dad) and Daddy spent the morning in Man Time at the local donut shop, while Granna (aka: Gail, Kyle's mom) and I stayed at home and got ready for the zoo.
This weekend yielded our first trip to the OKC Zoo. One of my students gave us a gift card, so we decided to take advantage of the weather. David definitely loved most of the animals from afar (his favorite was the zebra), and for many, he would say the name of the animal followed by "Mama, the puzzle." (David has a wooden alphabet puzzle in which many of the letters are shaped like animals.) It's amazing and so much fun to watch him see things for the first time and begin to connect them with what he already knows. 

I think his favorite part of the day was being outside and running from the "tickle" monster. At various parts of the day he would say, "Go. Daddy tickle, " as he ran, and all of this stems from a Backyardigan's episode where one of his favorite characters, Pablo, is chased by Captain Red Boots, who wants to tickle him.

Officially, David will be a "big boy" at daycare because he had no accidents this past week, which means that he'll be out of pull-ups and in underwear. Go David!! 

Until next time, E

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Busy, Busy...

Wow....  the last couple of weeks have gone by quickly!  I finished my National Board project, Emily is closing in on her final student performances, and David is just enjoying being two.  Em and I are ready for the summer break and the chance to totally relax.

My parents are coming this weekend for a quick Easter visit and we are planning to take a trip to the zoo if the weather holds out.  It should be a great time for all.  Pictures to come.  Hope everyone is having a great time.  Talk to you soon.
