Sunday, May 31, 2009

School's out for summer...

We have all been enjoying the benefits of teaching: summers off!  Playing in the yard, going to the park, drinking smoothies, and looking forward to swimming have become our new favorite activities.  What a life!

In other news, David has decided that he wants to be an airplane when he grows up.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Call me...MOM!!!

I still haven't been given the list of what makes a mom, but I am sure that I am getting close after some events from the weekend.
First, this Saturday we woke up at our normal 6:30 AM time, but I was just sooooo tired, so I laid down on the couch, and David crawled up, sat beside me, started to stroke my hair, and sang randomness that occasionally included "David" and "Mama." 

Second, since David is quite accomplished at using the potty now, he sometimes loses his focus and sprays his step stool, so we have to remind him, "Pee pee down." One time this weekend, David was focused on pottying as I lovingly reminded him, "David, pee pee down," but I startled him, which caused him to jerk up and hit my leg instead of the toilet...funny and yet so warm! :)

Officially a mom,

Springtime in Oklahoma

What a great weekend!  The weather was very cooperative and we took advantage of it.  David really enjoys going outside and playing in the yard.  Right now some of his favorite activities are  soccer, mowing the yard, blowing bubbles, and smelling flowers.

Also this weekend, Emily marked off another task on the "mother list" when we decided to give David a haircut ourselves.  He was so excited to get a haircut and I am sure it feels better as the weather is starting to warm.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

Our first Mother's Day....

The day started with a present for Mama and then off to church.  We enjoyed our second visit to the Mustang United Methodist Church and attended another Sunday School class.

The day was pretty low key overall, very relaxing and enjoyable.  I guess we Farnham's are not big on special days.  We figure holidays are nice, but the sentiment should not just be reserved for one day.  You should show your respect, care, and love all year long not just on the days that the greeting card companies tell us (Mother's Day, Father's Day, Valentine's).

...or maybe we are just weirdo's!

Until next time,

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Seeing that games were an integral part of Emily's childhood, we have started trying a few with David.  The last couple of weekends David and I have played checkers.  He is still a little confused as to way his pieces keep getting removed from the board, but I think he just likes to lay in the floor and play with Daddy.

David's other favorite game is an old standby, the Memory Game.  He really enjoys sitting on the floor with Emily and matching the cards.  He has actually improved a lot since we first started playing.  Here is a quick video of him putting a whoopin' on Mama!

Talk to you all later,

Saturday, May 9, 2009

David's Change Makes Cents

For the past 3 years, Kyle and I have been doing Dave Ramsey's "Financial Peace" plan, and our hope is to teach David over the years how to save, spend, and give his money in responsible ways. For a few weeks now, David has been earning quarters for "good work" every day to place in his bank. 

After a while, his change made a lot of cents (hee hee), so we went to the real bank this morning to exchange the rolled coins for bills. Then, we took a trip to Wal-Mart for a shopping spree. Our plan was to let David buy whatever he liked that fit his budget :), and David ended up choosing (on his own) a nice Hot Wheels set that included his favorite vehicles (police car, helicopter, school bus, taxi van, and fire truck) as well as Star Wars Clone Wars coloring books. 

It was so cute when he pulled his money from his pocket at Checkout and handed the cashier his money! 

On a random note, David's added a few more phrases to his vocabulary arsenal. This week he's started telling toys and the dogs to go to "Time Out, 2 minutes; no hitting." He's also saying, "Come on" and counting to ten (with the occasional fast-forwarding through numbers.)

Much love,

The Force is strong....

So David has started watching the original Star Wars trilogy.  We watched A New Hope last Saturday and Empire Strikes Back this weekend.  He, of course, is very excited about all of this, especially after I dug my Star Wars toys out of the attic.  Every time a character appears on the screen, David runs, grabs the toy that matches, and shouts "there, there" while pointing at the TV.

I also pulled the C3PO case off of the top of his bookcase and showed David the treasures that were within.  He really enjoys Darth Vader, Chewbacca, C3PO, and R2-D2.  It is not unusual to hear him growling like Chewbacca, which he thinks is a big puppy.  However, R2-D2 is by far his favorite character.  Whenever R2 is on the screen, David happily "beeps" along with him. We have also heard him beeping to himself as he does his best R2 walk (usually wiggling in place).

Until next time, May the Force be with You.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Wot Happen?

Since November so much of our lives have changed, and it's funny to think back and remember when Kyle and I thought David would never grasp the English language. Now, however, he's speaking more and more confidently and continually surprises us with his "big boy" phrases. For instance, since the last post, David now asks, "What doing?" or "What happen?" When he wants to relocate to a different room, he says, "Right back"; when he wants to help or be Mr. Independent, he says, "David do it," or "David help." On the not-so-positive side, when he doesn't achieve, he says, "David can't," but we're constantly reinforcing the "can."

Until next time,