Saturday, November 22, 2008

Days of Fun...

I must say that the last few days we have cleared huge hurdles and accomplished small victories into normal stability. 

Bath time is no longer scary or filled with David's tears. We've convinced him that sitting in the tub is a good thing. We simply hold him in a seated position and then place him in the water. Now, when we pour water over his head, we have him cover his eyes, and it seems to be working. (It probably doesn't eliminate water in the eyes, but like many things in life, it's human nature to view things as okay only when we feel we have some form of control.)

The dogs are becoming David's friends. Not only is he no longer panicking when they walk by him, but he constantly asks for them when they're not around. Today, I took them to the groomer's, and he looked out the window or would point throughout the house, asking, "Puppy?" Also, the cutest thing happened tonight, and I must be honest that my heart absolutely melted. In fact, I came very close to shedding a tear! David was on the floor playing with his new toy, a 3-tiered race track, and Gunther, our oldest child, quietly walked over to David and plopped himself down between David's legs. David then leaned down and began petting and kissing on Gunther!!! Oh, my Mama heart melts to think my children are getting along. So precious!

Additionally, David is improving his English with each new word. To date, David now says, good job, socks, shoes, pillow, puppy, ears, nose, eyes, mouth, eat, please, easy, tortilla, more, and several others. He's our little sponge. We went on an outing to Barnes & Noble and purchased several small books to help him learn his numbers, alphabet, etc.

We discovered David not only likes fajitas, but Kyle fixes amazingly fresh homemade tortillas! Very authentic! Kyle is so cute! He has to constantly battle the urge to buy David toys and other items he might enjoy.

Today, we also had our first of three home study interviews. Kimberly, our case worker, was extremely nice and taken by David, and it was great to know that her two children were adopted, so we have/will experience some of the same issues. Her advice was also very sound.

The weather's been uncommonly warm for this time of year, and we've taken advantage of every opportunity. David's enjoyed riding his big car up and down the driveway, and belly laughs occur from all the Farnhams when David tumbles off his car or wrestles with Kyle. He is ALL BOY, by the way.

It's been a great week! Emily

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The three of you look happy, wonderful, fabulous, content, and full of life.

I am so excited for you, and as I read your blogs I get a lump in my throat.

I cannot wait to get the kids together for a play date!!!!