Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Alphabet

A few days ago, David and I were helping Kyle make yummy tortillas, and while David was waiting to lift the tortilla container lid, out of nowhere he started spelling what was written on it. "T-O-R-T-I-L-L-A! Look, there are two L's, Mama!" Then he spelled the words written on the sour cream label! I cannot express how fast and happy my heart beat with excitement!

Then, several nights ago, we were reading his current two favorite books, BACKYARDIGANS OPPOSITES book and ALPHABET book. During the OPPOSITES book, he wanted to spell all the words; the last two at the end are "Hello!" and "Goodbye!" As he was spelling "Hello!" he noticed the exclamation point and replied, "Mama, the i's upside-down! Silly book!"

What a clever kiddo!

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