Friday, July 24, 2009

"Ride dis one"

By far, David's favorite part of "The Farm" were all the "things that go." Uncle Tim, whom David called "Tin," willingly let David ride anything on wheels. David's favorites included the motorcycle (or as David says, "Dude-uh-cycle"),
the four-wheeler,
the Rhino,
the Semi-truck,
and the RV.

Uncle Tim also showed David how to "bullfight" by getting down on all fours, grunting, jerking his head, and bolting toward the opponent.
Overall, South Dakota was a fun family trip, and David makes a welcome addition to the Pearson/Farnham clan.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Thank you so much for sharing your family and vacation with us. Grandpa & Grandma look good! Glad you got to go.