Today was another Daddy and David Day!!! Mama took her students to a speech tournament in Choctaw, so David and I had the rule of the roost. The day started as normal with a trip to the donut shop and to Wal-Mart for groceries, except this time David wanted to buy a Nerf "gum" like Daddy's with his chore chart money.
So we tried a few different models at the store until we found one that he could operate. It took a little bit of extra effort in the beginning, but he finally got the hang of it. After some target practice in the living room, I decided we should play hide and seek "Nerf style." I went first and hid in the office behind a chair for cover. After counting to a very fast 10, David slowly came down the hallway calling my name. He soon found me, and a gun battle quickly followed. We collected the darts, and David announced it was his turn to hide. However, when I was halfway finished with counting, I heard his dart shoot and wondered what happened. I started down the hallway only to be met by David running my way hollering like a crazed warrior. (I was so proud!) I noticed that his gun was unloaded, and I destroyed him with me barrage of darts!!! Next, we collected the darts the darts, but we could not find the dart from David's premature discharge of his weapon. (Officer Dake, I may need you to talk to him about that.) Just as I was about to give up, I looked towards the ceiling and saw our wayward dart. I am not sure if he doing target practice or just got excited about hiding and squeezed the trigger early. Either way I grabbed the camera and documented the occasion.

Later in the afternoon, we went to a hobby store on the southside of OKC. (FYI - I bought a little hobby store RC helicopter recently, and it has become my new obsession! I even fly it in the gym at work when the kids are at electives.) David was really excited by all the cars, planes, and helicopters in the store. I guess the old saying is true that the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys! After I found what I needed, we just walked around the store looking at the fun stuff, and David would occasionally tell me he wanted to play with one of the cars on display. We finished the day by fulfilling a long standing tradition of mine. Since Emily does not like seafood of any kind, I have made it a point to eat some kind of seafood when she is gone for a tournament; I usually have to go out to eat for this since even the smell bothers her, so I decided that David would Long John Silvers a try and he loved it. The funniest was when I looked over and noticed that he was dipping everything into his cole slaw. (The boy loves condiments!) We rounded out the day with another Nerf war before cleaning up and welcoming Mama home. What can I say? Another great day at Daddy daycare!

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