This Christmas was much more experienced than the previous; I think the birthday round of presents to David solidified what should be done. We spent this Christmas, first, with my parents at our house. My favorite moments, by far, were when they opened the ceramic cross David had painted for them, and also when David opened the Home Depot Stool/Work bench. He cutely said, "Oh, thank you. A stool for time out!" (David has a time out stool at the end of our hallway). We giggled and giggled.
Eventually, we made it to Tulsa, and because they were snowed in, we celebrated at Scott & Andrea's house and helped rescue them from their covered driveway. David appreciated more books, clothes, Backyardigans figures, and Star Wars action figures.
Overall, it was a plentiful and enjoyable holiday, and the cool aspect of this Christmas was the David understood and was ready for the loot.

Thanks to all, and Merry Christmas.
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