Kyle and I have really wrestled with what "traditions" to establish within the Farnham household, especially regarding holidays. We tend to ask, "What makes this day so special? Why should it be different from every other day?" While we both were "raised on Santa," we both feel like it distracts from the real meaning of the Christmas holiday, Jesus' birth. After stepping back and considering options, here were our conclusions.
1) Instead of a Christmas tree, we purchased a nativity set around which we place the presents. "Since Jesus was our gift from God," we explain to David, "these presents are our gifts you." Also, to remind us of the "reason for the season," we made a birthday cake for Jesus.
2) We read the Bible Christmas Story version the week of Christmas.
3) No more pictures with mall Santa. Instead, it's David in front of our yard Santa, who is kneeling and praying to Jesus.

Merry Christmas! E
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