Realizing it's been a while, here's a purge blog that covers the highlights from this last month.
"When I bigger..."
That's David's favorite phrase right now. Here are some of the ways he's used it.
1. "When I bigger, I get tattoo Jesus on my leg like Daddy." He did say that Mama could go with him, though.
2. "When I bigger, I drive your car."
3. (To Kyle) "When I bigger, I pick you up from Cathy's." (Cathy's is David's daycare; Kyle jokingly wondered if David secretly means "a nursing home.")
Fishy Tale:

While at Mammie & Pawpaw's, Aunt Jana caught a fish at the pond, which David touched. Kyle asked, "What does the fish feel like?" David replied, "Soft, like snot on my hand."
The Shrew
While watching Planet Earth's LIFE series, David became fascinated with an African Shrew (small mouse-like animal) and its attempt to flee from the hungry lizard. Since then, David sometimes smells the air with his finger (to mimic the Shrew's long nose).

"My World Cup"
We signed David for an indoor soccer league team, coached by Richard Barlow, Kyle's coworker. David really looks forward to each Tuesday's game; in fact, he says, "Daddy, I gonna go play my World Cup." The first game he unknowingly scored a goal. The second game he started to notice the basketball lines on the gym floor, and by his third game last night, he was more interested in running on the lines than chasing the ball. He spent most of the time tracing the lines as he ran. Kyle and I joked that he should be a cross-country/track star because he seems to enjoy running for long periods of time. Another aspect he likes is his name on the back of his shirt. He's taken an interest in spelling "D-A-V-I-D."

Swim Class
Kyle took David to swim classes for a few weeks in June, and David seemed to enjoy it once again.

Mr. Man
After completing laundry, I asked David to put away his clothes in his drawer. He was doing fine, but the "mother hen" in me went to supervise. He didn't need or want the help and responded, "Mama...(huff)...go talk to Daddy, please. I got this."
Father's Day 2010
We had an enjoyable and relaxing Father's Day this year. Here's the funny of the day. Kyle said to David in a Darth Vader voice, "I am your father." David just stared at him for a few seconds, ran away, and came back a moment later holding his light saber and said, "Turn to me."

"Like a Crab"
David was having trouble capturing his dinner (taco salad) with a fork, so he asked for a spoon. He had the bright idea to use both, saying, "Look! I like a crab!"

Until next time! E
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