Sunday, August 2, 2009

Let's go to the pool!!!

Well... what is a summer without a little time at the pool? We decided to sign David up for some pre-school swimming lessons at the Mustang pool. David started off in the beginner's class because he was too shy to put his face in the water on the first day. It worked out for the best because he was in a class with just one other girl; they both learned really fast (floating on their backs and bellies, blowing bubbles, submerging their entire bodies, and kicking.)
And like a good parent, we practiced what he learned in class in our little pool at home. (Is it too much to ask for parents to do this with schoolwork?!? Oh well, don't let me get on my soapbox.)
David really enjoyed the frog water slide in the main area of the pool and the toys/rings that his teacher would throw out for them to collect. David has enjoyed his time in the water, and before we knew it, he will be swimming laps and breaking records.


1 comment:

Wally said...

He is a stout little sucker isn't he! Cute as can be. Looks like you are having a blast with him.