Well we are back home from our trip to the farm in South Dakota. We went to see my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins on the farm that my mom grew up on as a kid. We saw and did a lot on the trip, and we are still sorting through the photos and memories. We will post more from the trip as we get things squared away.

The first topic of discussion... traveling with a soon to be three-year-old. We left Tulsa with my parents at 6pm on a Friday night (after stopping at Sonic) and traveled through the night to get to the farm at 6-ish on Sat. morning. We made a potty stop in Joplin, MO, and changed David into his PJ's. After a couple episodes of Baby Einstein on the portable DVD player (thank you Granna and Poppy), David finally went to sleep. He was wonderful and slept most of the trip. We could not have timed it better as David announced that he was "awake" about 30 minutes before we arrived at the farm.

As for the trip back, we decided to leave early Thursday morning to be able to stop in and see Uncle Scott and Aunt Andrea. Again, David was great and did not whine or complain the entire ride home. The blockbusters on the DVD player were the Star Wars series and some Backyardigan episodes. After a quick morning nap, David passed the time coloring, playing with his new tractors (thanks Tim and Julie), and telling stories of his adventures on the farm.

This being or first experience traveling with a toddler, we did not know what to expect. Granna and Poppy assured us that he was perfect, and they would know considering how many times they heard Scott and I hollering from the backseat!
More to come...
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