Today was our appointment at the courthouse to go before the judge and finalize our adoption in the US. David charmed all and kept the judge, court reporter, and our lawyer laughing. In fact, after Kyle and I answered the judge's questions, the judge turned to David and asked, "Do you have anything to add?" David simply replied, "Uh, Star Wars DVD's!" :)
Our lawyer, Khristan provided pictures and a small American flag, which David adored; he emphatically noticed every US flag on the way home.

After filing paperwork, we celebrated in an All-American way by eating at a Chinese restaurant! Then, we headed home for nap time, and I went to the State Health Dept. to get copies of David's new birth certificate. After nap time, we had a snack, got some passport pictures of David, and sent off our final citizenship papers for David. One last thing to finish, and we're done!

Overall, it was a great and happy day, and we made sure to tell David that we hoped this was the last time we had to come to the courthouse for him! The next time would not be so happy and celebratory.
Here's to finishing the long and winding road,