Friday, June 5, 2009

David's 1st Shave

Today my helpful David was assisting me clean the bathrooms, and just like every week, I hand him items from the counter to place on the floor so I can wipe down the mirrors and the counter. When I handed him my disposable razor, he decided to be like Daddy saying, "Mama! Shave like-uh Daddy!"  Then, he said in the calmest voice, "Oooo, Mama hurt." I turned around, and sure enough, he had nicked his chin. Of course, he was a little surprised, but I cleaned him up, discussed the "razor policy," and resumed bathroom chores. 

I know I won't be receiving Mother of the Year any time soon, but I couldn't help but smile. I think we both learned a lesson today. :)

1 comment:

Richard said...

The darnedest things are the ones that sneak-up on us! Did you explain that shaving doesn't get any easier with time?