Speaking of music, in Sunday School, David was introduced to "Jesus Loves Me," "The B-I-B-L-E," and "Deep and Wide." He loves to sing these songs; well, actually, Kyle and I sing them while he does the motions, points to himself on "me" lyrics, and yells, "Bye-buh" (Bible) as it occurs in the songs. Once the song is finished, he exclaims his new favorite phrase, "un mo-tie," (one more time) while holding up one finger.
My movie-buff family should be proud that every day on our way to his daycare at "Ca-fee's" (Cathy), we see two RV's parked in driveways. Kyle exclaims, "That there is an RV," and David echoes, "R-zee." Overall, it has been a good week and David is excited about seeing Poppy and Granna this weekend. (It is Gail's birthday.)
Talk to you later,
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