Today we had to go to the U.S. Embassy down the road to get the final paperwork finished and turned into the "powers that be." We left the hotel at 7am packed and prepared for a long day of waiting in a room with a bunch of screaming children. So we were surprised when the process was over and we were back in our hotel room by 9:30am! Our Guatemalan contact/escort seemed surprised as well. Other than a diaper change, it was a pretty uneventful time for David. He did have some cookies thrown at him by a little girl, but he got to keep them so he was alright with the whole thing.
My dad and I went to the bank and had some money exchanged for the tours we will go on later this week. I got to shop for a few souvenirs, and then we came back to the hotel for lunch. The afternoon was spent playing and napping. He really enjoys pushing his stroller around with Curious George sitting in the seat, and when he tires of that, he jumps in and waits to go for a stroll. (It is almost like a dog waiting at the door with his leash in his mouth!) One of his other favorite activities is to show his cars to anyone that will listen to him. His conversations consist of "Hola" quickly followed by an even louder "carro." We went to the playroom again today, and the "toy-stealing" little girls were there. David kept his distance! However, there was another girl that he seemed to be keeping his eye on from across the room. The girl and her mom spoke Spanish, but found out that her name was Jasmine and she is five years-old. She was very helpful in assisting David as he moved things around the room and picked up the toys. He eventually pulled a chair beside her and just set there smiling from ear to ear. What a ladies' man! The four of us have decided that he is the cutest, most well-behaved kid in the hotel, but then again I think we may be a little biased.

Oh yeah... David was introduced to two American staples today: pizza and play-doh. We agreed that the pizza was "rico" (delicious), and we spent most of the play-doh time smelling it over and over again. Next step, making shapes. He also loves to wrestle and rough house. Upside-down, sideways, somersaults, swinging around; it is all good to him! He cracked us up today when the rough housing had ceased but he wanted more; he told me, "manos zapatos," because he wanted me to pick him up by his shoes and swing him in the air and back onto the bed.

Tomorrow we will be going on a half-day tour of Antigua, Guatemala. This is a smaller, traditional city with old churches, ruins, and a central market for shopping. Hopefully all of the stroller training will payoff! Talk to you later.

PS-He seems to enjoy watching Curious George and the Backyardigans.
I am so glad to see you guys are having an awesome time. Parenting appears to agree with you guys. He is absolutely adorable, loved the TCM reference! Have a great rest of your trip.
QR- I miss you man.
Emily and Kyle- I am so happy for the three of you! Sending you a big Oklahoma "Yee-ha!" on your smooth sailing and return trip home. Stay safe! I know there are many many folks waiting to meet and love on Micah. I figure he will be free for a hug from me around...Christmas if I am lucky! But I will wait in line! LOL
hi Mr.Farnham I looked at your website and your son is soo CUTE!! I hope that you will and have had a great time with him. I can't wait to have my geography teacher back!
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