Sunday, October 24, 2010

David Philosophy

"When I bigger I drive your car Daddy. I drive your car to work."

"Where are you going to work?"
"...prolly an office. I work on scrapbooks and bring my toys. I just do work stuff. Talk to students."
Atta boy.... never to early to start career planing!

"Daddy it's windy! Stop wind.... STOP WIND! The wind not stop."
"That is because you're not Jesus!"
...haha first lesson in "God is God and I am not."

David and Kyle went to work for a teacher lunch. The kids stopped to say hello and comment on how adorable he is. When they got back to the car, David said, "Daddy, the girls say I cute!"
**Oh no!** ...don't get a big head kidddo! :)

Aunt Andrea recently fell off her horse and broke her arm. When we told David the news, he thoughtfully responded, "Aww! Poor Andrea! That's okay! She can buy another one...maybe a pig arm!" (Nov. 2010)

David was climbing on his Man Cave rock wall and had too much in his hands (his rope & a stick) to climb, so he fell off and barely scraped up his side. After a little crying and a few hugs, Kyle and I asked, "Are you okay? Is anything broken?" Holding his right side just below his ribs, he replied, "Yes...I broke my heart." (Nov. 27, 2010)

Oh, the funny things he says! E

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Mammy & Pawpaw (Em's parents) invited us to the Pumpkin Patch in Newcastle.

We saw lots of animals: baby ducks & chickens, a pony, goats, and baby pigs.

David also loved leading us through the corn maze.

We went on a hay ride and played in the hay.

Finally, we choose our pumpkins!

When we got home, David wanted to decorate the I think now we're set for Halloween.
Thanks, Mammy & Pawpaw! E

Touch a Truck

David and I recently attended Mustang Community's "Touch a Truck" show, which allowed him to experience and touch all kinds of occupational vehicles: police cars, a firetruck, garbage truck, school bus, ambulance, etc. His favorite was the police car because he got to make the sirens blare.
We had a really great time! And the best part was that it was all free! E