What is it about January and February that causes them to fly by so fast? Another month has flown by and we have not been posting much! Oooops!!! Everyone in the Farnham household is doing well and we are looking forward to warmer weather so that we can get outside and play. Hopefully we will be a little more attentive to the blog in March. Until then, here is a couple of quick stories....
David was having a hard time at daycare last week. He got into a couple of shoving matches with the other kids and had to go to Timeout. We spoke about it when he got home and explained that he should not hit and that he needs to listen to Miss Cathy. Later in the evening I was pestering Emily as she did the dishes. I kept getting in her way and we ended up pushing each other in the kitchen. Then all of a sudden we hear David yell from the living room, "Mama, Daddy go Timeout." When we asked why he told us that we should not hit! :) We had a little laugh and were reminded again that we are always being watched!
The other day David and I were running errands when he called out from the backseat, "Daddy, I love you." I told him that I loved him too. He then told me, "Daddy, I love your wife." Silly boy!!!
This weekend David and I worked in the backyard. We were planting grass seed and moving dirt trying to help the yard recover from years of abuse from the dogs. He really liked shoveling dirt with his spade, but he spent most of the time playing with sticks and telling the dogs to be quiet. :) Towards the end of the project we found a frog, but he was not amused and made sure to stay at least 10 feet away. However, he did think it was funny when he found out that the frog had urinated on my hand.
Until next time,