Friday, September 25, 2009

Daddy Day

Since David's daycare was closed today I got the privilege of staying home with him today. We started the morning by making chili for lunch at "Daddy's work" and watching Disney's Robin Hood. Soon after that we were playing cars and racing them down his new racetrack.

For lunch, we took the chili up to the school and we at with my coworkers. David enjoyed the school building and the students kept saying that he was sooo cute! We went into the big gym, but all the lights were off and he announced that the gym "sqeeza me." (His way of letting us know that he is scared.) We watched some boys play dodgeball before saying our goodbyes and heading out.

On the way home we stopped by an automatic car wash. David was unsure about the whole affair. His face was a mixture of curiosity, fear, and amazement. He said that he thought the car wash was fun, but followed it quickly with another "it sqeeza me."

After nap we had snack time at Braum's before running some errands. Overall it was a great father and son day, I even got a chance to play some video games! As I keep telling Emily, the only thing I would give up teaching for would to be a stay-at-home dad.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kids Say the Darnedest Things!

As of this weekend, David has entered his teenage years, frequently uttering, "I don't know," when asked where something is, what happened, etc.

Also, on the way home from church this morning, David prayed aloud (in a sing-song voice), "God...Jesus...Happy Face! Amen!"

What a weekend!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Yesterday David became an American! We went to the Homeland Security/Immigration Office for our appointment, waited our turn, and got his paperwork. David mostly enjoyed the token "Merican Fwag" (as he says). We came home, and I went to the Social Security Office and the bank to change his information and citizenship status. Then, after lunch and a nap, Kyle took David to the doctor to get his 3 year old shots. Apparently, our little David was a tough guy! After the first and second shots, he said, "Ouch! Daddy hurt!" By the third, he said, "Oww! Hurt very much!" and he cried when the fourth shot came! What a trooper! But he coped well at Braum's as he and Daddy enjoyed chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream!

Kyle and I are just relieved that as of today, ALL of our PAPERWORK IS FINISHED!!! Now, there's nothing left to do but enjoy our lives together! HOORAY!

Fashion Disaster

Either David helped me get dressed in the morning, or it was "Fashion Disaster" day for Spirit Week at school (or both).
It was so fun to have him help me. I would hold up two options and ask, "Which one?" to which he'd reply, "Uh...Dis one!" By far, he loved choosing my earrings and hair accessories--he wanted to add more and more.
Good times,