Friday, February 27, 2009

Indoctrination... Part 2

I have already introduced David to Star Wars.  So this week I decided it was time to show him my other loves in life, Liverpool Football Club (soccer for those of you not in the know) and video games.  I ordered new jerseys for David and I last week.  They arrived just in time for us to wear them while we watched Liverpool win an important game on Wednesday.

As for the video games, I started him off with something easy, a racing game.  David was watching me play Burnout Paradise today, came over, and said "Daddy share" with those big, cute eyes.  So I sat him down and went over the basics, gas and steering.  David just kept hitting the gas button and smiling as the car would move on the TV.  After some trial and error he managed to make it down the street a few yards before hitting a wall.  He does have some work to do, but I think it was a great start.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Junk in His Trunk

Here are a couple of cute stories from the front lines.

Cathy, David's daycare provider, mentioned that the other day, David tested her. About 30 minutes into naptime, she heard the beeping of a toy phone. She went into his room, and she said she's never seen him scramble that fast. He had gotten out the toy phone from the toy chest, and when she said his name, he dropped it and scrambled to get back into bed. She told him not to play with the toys, and fell almost immediately asleep. She said it took all she had not to bust out laughing.

Cathy also told us that one morning, the other children wanted to play with the cars but couldn't find them. David stood in the corner with his hands behind his back and stared down at the floor. She asked, "David, do you know where all the cars are?" He continued to stare down at the floor and shifted his eyes. Finally, David admitted his guilt when he went to the compartment/trunk of Cathy's four-wheeler toy and lifted the lid. Apparently, our collector spent the morning quietly "collecting" all of the daycare's cars.---It makes sense because he stores his Hot Wheels, keys, blocks, and alphabet cards in his tricycle trunk.

David loves to play "reality" and re-enact our day-to-day routine. His latest is pretending to be asleep. He'll crawl in my lap, and I say, "Shh, Daddy. David's sleeping." Then I carry him over to Kyle and whisper, "Shh. David's sleeping. Easy," as I gently place David in Kyle's arms. David just grins and watches it all, then he replies, "Hello. Morning!" David enjoys our little game, but I secretly enjoy it the most because he willingly allows me to hold, rock, and cuddle him. :)


Wonderful Weather

The weather these last few days has finally decided to cooperate, allowing David and I to venture outside without fear of  sickness or frostbite. I know he must miss being outside because, in Guatemala, the tropical weather allowed for plenty of outside play. (He used to be more tan, but he's faded since we've been cooped up in the house these last few months.) So, we're taking advantage of every opportunity to commune with nature.

David especially enjoys riding his tricycle down our driveway, "starting" his tricycle with his new keys, and coloring on the sidewalk... I actually color while he enjoys sorting and organizing his supplies. (Just like his Daddy!)

Cheers! Emily

Monday, February 23, 2009

Vehicular Wonders

David is loving his tricycle even though he has not yet figured out the pedals.  Here are a couple of pictures of David with his tricycle.  The first is of David realizing that he can turn his tricycle over and "drive" it like Mama and Daddy.  

The second is when Emily asked David to clean up and get ready for bed.  He jumped onto his tricycle and began digging in the trunk.  David pulled out the keys I gave him the other day, "started" his tricycle, and then moved it to the wall.  

Talk at you later.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Six-Word Memoir

A recent post on our friends' blog has had me thinking.  Regan had his classes write a six-word memoir of their life, so I thought I would give it a shot.  So without further delay...

You hold all of my tomorrows. -Kyle

Our Little Valentine

David's first Valentine's Day has come and gone, and boy what a day!  For this special day of love David decided to give us an extra dose of two-year-old and consequently spent most of the day in Timeout.  The day started off normal as we went for our Saturday donut and then bought groceries.  Little did I know that a storm was brewing!

Shortly after arriving back home David began pitching fit after fit over everything, from his cars not fitting inside his dishes to his papers falling off the table.  After Emily came home, he even kicked one of the dogs!  Needless to say, I lost count on how many times we sent him to sit on his little stool.

In the end, we made it through with Sunday being better.  Fortunately, in our short tenure as parents, Emily and I have developed a couple of responses to this kind of behavior, and we have found that most everything that David does can be solved by one or the other.

1-We love you too much to let you act this way. (discipline)
2-We will love you through this bump in the road. (He is just acting his age.)

I guess this is what we get for not telling David that Emily and I don't celebrate Valentine's Day. We have always thought that you should do those Valentine's things all year.  Life and love is in the small things done well, not in the big events that happen from time to time.  Besides, we just buy half-priced chocolate the day after.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Our Little Man

David officially speaks only English and now he's stringing together 3-5 word sentences. His new favorite phrases include: "What is that?", "Good morning, " "Do you want a drink?", "One, two, three," "Red light, stop," "Green light, go," "broken," and many other phrases. His growing confidence is opening doors, particularly in expressing his dislike or enjoyment of something. He also identifies ownership of items, like "Mama's shirt" and "Daddy's car."

Kyle and I are constantly impressed by and in awe of how fast he's already growing up. He's turning into our little man.


Mac and Cheese Day...

I thought we would go for another first and give mac & cheese a try today.  I think he liked it.  Isn't that just the cutest face you have ever seen?!

PS-More cuteness!
Emily and David were up early and getting ready for the day.  I, on the other hand, was laying in bed contemplating sleeping in when David came in and said "good morning." (One of his new phrases.) Then David grabbed the sheets and asked if I was finished.  When I said yes he pulled the sheets back so let that I could get out of bed. 

I guess I don't mind an early start on Saturday when the wake-up call is that pleasant!


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Warm weather in February...

The warm weather has been a nice change of pace lately.  David and I have been playing soccer in the yard and trying to straighten things up before before Spring arrives.  Hope all is well.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Impressive, most impressive...

One of the boys at daycare has been telling David about Power Rangers, so I thought it was time to teach him about the real power that binds the universe together.  Let the Jedi Academy begin!

Of course he has much to learn!

Later, and...
May The Force Be With You!
