It sure has been cold around here lately, and David has not been impressed with any of it. I think the wind, in particular, irritates him. Whenever he gets a good gust in the face, he wrinkles up his nose and squints his eyes as if someone had just spit on him. He is usually scrambling for the hood on his jacket as soon as we get out of the car. Below are a few pictures of David's "first snow." The credibility of this accomplishment is still under review as I say the ground has to be covered in snow and Emily believes that white stuff has to be somewhere in the area.

My parents came to town this weekend to give Emily a hand and let her get some work done. (Translation-We want to see our grandson and we will use any means possible! :) I love you, Poppy and Granna.) We have been doing a video conference with them once week so that David can talk to and see them. It is has been the highlight of his weekend lately. Emily did get them to try a little Guitar Hero during "adult time." We enjoyed ourselves; they laughed a lot, but I am not sure much music was made.

Other news:
-(first no) David told Emily "no" when she asked him to clean up his toys before we left for lunch Saturday. That was a first for us but have been told to prepare for much more of this!!!
-(first baby shower) My work Christmas party this weekend turned out to be a surprise baby shower as well. I thought I did not care about that this sort of thing, but it was nice to know that people care about my family and getting it started on the right foot. Love you guys; you really are a big part of what makes my job so fun!
-(botany lesson) The dogs often drag leaves through the doggie door. We just hand them to David, say "trash," and he throws them away. We now realize this is a problem when he yelled "trash" at the TV, only for us to look up and see a monkey eating a leaf!
-(house rules) While my parents were here, David had to make sure they knew the rules. My mom was looking at the DVD player when David walked up to her and said, "Daddy no manos." He did not want Granna to get in trouble for touching the electronics. He is so thoughtful!